Posts Tagged ‘procrastination’

Fröhliches Filmeraten Folge 11

Monday, December 2nd, 2013

don't let Magneto near this...

which movie?

movies that should never be made 6

Sunday, December 1st, 2013

winter has come...

“World War Y: the Yeticalypse”

Actually, I should probably stay away from Yeti-related things.

(Yashica) Scoping around…

Wednesday, March 27th, 2013




all taken in 1.5 anamorphic 3:2 stretched by 1.5 to give 2.25:1 aspect ratio.

I recently got myself a Yashica Scope anamorphotic lens. This little gem was originally intended for use with the Yashica 8T2 8mm film camera. I did my first experiments with anamorphotic lenses with an Isco Göttingen Anamorphotic Kiptar which is a lens intended for 36mm film projectors. The Kiptar is a factor 2 anamopthot meaning that the image gets squeezed by a factor 2 horizontally (the lens itself is oblivious to the orientation and in fact the Kiptar was ment to stretch the image by factor 2 for projection) which gives with the now usual 16 : 9 recording format (1 : 1.77) a very wide 1 : 3.55 aspect ratio. Though I do like this extra wide format it is sort of unusual and often one wants to crop to the “regular” modern cinemascope 1 : 2.35.

This will be a rather long post (at least for this site).
